Before founding Groton in 1884, at age twenty-seven, Mr. 博地能源's life had taken many turns. Educated in England at Cheltenham and Cambridge, 他追求的是银行业的职业生涯,但突然从金融业转向了圣公会. Only months after the famed gunfight at the OK Corral, Mr. 博地能源 arrived in Tombstone, Arizona. In “the town too tough to die,” the Anglophilic Yankee won over the miners, 牛仔, 并在该州建立了第一座圣公会教堂.
但是,. 皮博迪对牧师工作不感兴趣,于是回到东部完成他的神学院学业. A brief stint as a schoolteacher provided his calling. 他将创办一所学校,明确地向镀金时代最成功的美国企业家的后代灌输高尚的原则. The campus would sit on rich farmland along the Nashua River, with vistas of the distant mountains of Wachusett and Monadnock.
一开始, 24个学生, 皮博迪牧师, 还有两位同事, the Reverends Sherrard Billings and William Amory Gardner, formed the school family. 先生. Billings wrote years later, in 1930, 这些人都“坚信……可以有一所男生和男生可以共同生活的学校。, 一起工作, and 玩 together in friendly fashion with friction rare.”
As Groton has changed with the times, 它的核心和外观都保持不变. A deliberately small school, 今天的易胜博app安卓下载建立在很久以前牧师恩迪科特·皮博迪提出的基础上:相信一所体现家庭最佳特征的学校将为学生创造最佳的学习和成长环境. Today’s headmaster, Temba Maqubela, continues the ideals of Mr. 领导一所提供最高质量学术教育的学校, instills strong character, 建立领导人, 激励生命.